
  • Working Families Struggle in Orange County

    The modest income of a commercial baker combined with the high cost of living in Orange County have put undue financial strain on his family. What started as challenging become unbearable once the pandemic hit. Watch Video
  • Senior Hunger in Orange County

    Rosa is 70 years old and lives on a fixed income. Medical bills and the high cost of living in Orange County make it difficult for her to afford enough food. Adding to her challenges, once the pandemic hit Rosa was no longer able to go out to the pantries that offer food assistance. Watch Video
  • Student Hunger in Orange County

    Not having access to food has been very difficult. College students shouldn’t have to worry about what they’re going to eat. They should be thinking about finishing assignments and studying for their exams. Watch Video
  • The Face of the Newly Vulnerable

    Before the pandemic, most would think Stephen’s life was a good one. Comfortable even. Stephen and his wife were both working and the challenges of day-to-day life with two jobs and two daughters (2 years old and 5 years old) were easy enough to manage. Then COVID-19 arrived. Watch Video
  • Hope When It’s Needed

    Trapped. That’s how many of us feel. We want to go somewhere. Anywhere really. Not being able to see family and friends can add an extra layer of gloom to the confinement created by this pandemic. For those with loved ones that are long distances away, the challenge of getting back together only adds another layer. Read More
  • Second harvest COVID-19 response

    COVID-19 has put many in our community out of work. See what Second Harvest is doing to create a safety net for all who need food. Watch Video
  • Struggling but inspired

    When your life is about serving others, change is simply viewed as a normal part of the process. Change isn’t a roadblock, it’s a directional sign to a new route that, if followed, can lead towards a dramatically more fulfilling destination. Read More
  • Motherhood, the Pandemic and Never Giving Up

    When the world is crumbling around us with new, scary and unprecedented challenges, how is it so many mothers are able to keep moving forward? The answer to that question is never more visible than in a crisis: Moms are focused on their family’s survival – it is part of a mother’s DNA. Read More
  • Ending hunger

    Buy your kids shoes, or buy groceries? Go hungry so your kids don’t have to? These are the hard choices many Orange County families are forced to make when money runs short. But with help from Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County, and its community partners, families can get the assistance they need to make it through the rough patches. Watch Video